Sisters Empowering Sisters

When I was introduced to the Sisters Empowering Sisters Conference, I was amazed!
I was amazed that all types of women were pulling together to create a conference that was all about uplifting young women. I knew that it was something that I had to be a part of because I could see how much the young women grew in just two days.
I wish there was something like this when I was in high school to help me through some of those awkward years. This conference is about true sisterhood on every level imaginable. The variety of speakers that are brought to the conference are successful, talented, insightful and individuals who truly care about uplifting young women.
And what’s even more amazing is the fact that the speakers, volunteers, and chaperones, etc., have all been through the same struggles, joys, pains, and insecurities that every young woman experiences. But what we try to do is bring some of these things to your attention and give you some solutions to help you navigate through them.
We don’t want you ladies to make some of the same mistakes we may have made. We want every young woman to believe in herself and truly believe and know without a doubt that: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING THAT YOU WANT, no matter what others may say.
Or another phrase that I like to live by: They hate you cause they ain’t you!
Kiesha Johnson
Emeritus Board Member